Cenote Chac Mool, a destination that you cannot miss in Quintana Roo, México

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The Cenote Chac Mool is a natural wonder that you must visit, it belongs to the famous Ruta de Los Cenotes.

The Cenote Chac Mool is a natural wonder that you must visit, it belongs to the famous Ruta de Los Cenotes,

This paradise is located on Highway 307 or also known as La Ruta de los Cenotes. Its name means "Jaguar Claw" and it is one of the natural places known thanks to its natural beauty, ideal for diving through its mysterious caverns.

Its access is through a stone staircase, its waters have a turquoise blue tone, and are at a temperature of 25 °, you can admire narrow paths surrounded by stalactites of various sizes.

Among its main attractions is Air Dome, a bell with air where you can rest, relax and above all enjoy peace, accompanied by the roots of the trees, among the fauna that you will find here, there are some bats that have been filtered. the small holes through which light penetrates.

It has a depth of 14 meters, and it is recommended to pay attention to the signs, when entering you will find three rooms, the first, the largest and most illuminated, the second has an opening through which you can ascend, through it In the sunny days you can enjoy the ray of light, as well as a unique visual effect, which is when salt water and fresh water meet.

At lunchtime, you can bring your food and sit on the cement benches right at the entrance and have a wonderful picnic with family or friends.

Location of Cenote Chac Mool

Highway 307 or Ruta de los Cenotes, 22 kilometers south of Playa del Carmen, after crossing a dirt road, you reach the main entrance.
